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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

How To Prevent Obesity in Your Child

We have all noticed throughout our country the rising epidemic of obese children. Every single one of us know of at least one family that has several obese children. This is not something that is rare, as it used to be. But now, having a child that is overweight is very normal. When I was a child, I was quite overweight, and it took many years for me to shed the weight, however, the emotional toll that being an obese child causes can stretch many years, far after the weight has left. But how can you keep your child from becoming obese? I have listed out several tips that will aide you in your quest to keep your child healthy and fit for years to come.

Within the past two years, the counts of obese children have doubled according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That is why it is so important that you teach your children healthy eating habits when they are young. Some of the things you should do is DON'T force him/her to eat when he/she is not hungry --- the child shouldn't have to clean his/her plate if she/he is already full. I remember being a child and this was a number one rule -- "you can't leave the dinner table until your plate is clean." What this teaches your child to do is gorge him or herself. This teaches them that it is okay to just eat when you are not hungry.

Another thing you should not do is use food as a reward, or as a comfort when they are upset. By dong so, you will inadvertently create a deep emotional connection to food. Have you ever heard of "emotional eaters"? Perhaps you, yourself are an emotional eater. This is why you mustn't use food as a reward or a punishment. You do not want to create any emotion attachment to food. You must teach your children that food is there to keep you alive. And yes, it can be very tasty, and there are certain foods for certain occasions, however, food will in no way make you happier, feel better, or have a happier outlook on life. Food IS NOT comfort. Read More..
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