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Saturday, September 15, 2007

keep your childs healthy today

Nowadays, children need to take up sports more than ever. Obesity and childhood diabetes is running rampant. When I was a child, I didn’t play video games very much at all. My TV time and video game time was limited, and the rest of my time was spent playing outside with my friends or by myself. Now that children are playing more video games and watching more TV, they are not getting enough exercise. As a result, they are getting more obese and unhealthy. We really have to combat this, because at the same time this is happening, parents are losing their ability to parent. Children are also getting more spoiled, as they get all the TV time they want, and all the sweet snacks they want. They drink more soda and eat more Happy Meals. These are some tips on making your child a little healthier.

First of all, for the new parents, let your baby walk around on its own a little rather than carrying it all the time. This will encourage healthy muscle growth rather than letting it lay around all the time in your arms. I understand that everyone wants to hold the new baby, but enough is enough, and when it begins to walk and crawl, it needs to carry its own weight a little. It also encourages a healthy metabolism.

Next, cut down on the sweets. Don’t give a cupcake every time they want one. Rather, encourage healthier snacks such as vegetables. A personal favorite when I was a child was peanut butter and celery. Also, while we are dealing with food, cut down on the fast food. Yes, I know that it is hard to cook all the time, but a classic peanut butter and jelly sandwich is a lot quicker than driving to a McDonald’s. And when you do go to a fast-food place, allow and encourage them to play on the playground. This will promote the metabolizing of the food they just ate. Also, when they are in school, if they do not eat the school lunch, pack a healthier lunch. It is very tempting to put a Coke, a bag of chips, and a sandwich in the bag, but resist. If you want, put the chips in, but make them baked chips, without a whole lot of salt. Also, cut out that Coke and put some juice in. On this subject, cut out some of the soft drinks in the home and replace them with juice, water, or my personal favorite, milk. Milk will speed the metabolism and promote good bone growth, while juice will give a lot of required vitamins.

Encourage playing outside or taking up a sport. When I was a child, my friends and I played tag and hide-and-seek all the time. This was constant exercise and promoted good health. When I got older, I took up boxing, which not only made me healthier, but also taught me self-discipline. Most sports will combine aerobic activity with weight-lifting, which will both make a child much healthier.

Another way to keep a child healthy, responsible, and obedient is to delegate chores. Mowing the lawn, raking the leaves, and helping parents with housework or repair are all great ways to do this. This can also be encouraged with a small allowance for well-done chores.

Finally, limit video game and TV time. This can be especially difficult as learning games come out. Parents are fooled into thinking that the more their children play video games, the more they will learn. However, children will become very unhealthy doing this all the time, and parents really need to check this. Make sure that they also spend time playing outside and exercising.

Children really need to be kept healthy, especially nowadays. These tips will hopefully help to keep children healthy and responsible. They will surely thank you for it in the future.

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