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Sunday, September 16, 2007

How To Make Children Like Vegetable

As a dietitian, one of the most common concerns I hear from parents is that their child simply will not eat his or her vegetables. My first response is: “Don’t fret over it.” Many children don’t like vegetables (many adults as well), and many children simply refuse to eat them. This is something that usually changes over time, and it is not something you should lose much sleep over. Of course, parents want their children to eat healthy, and they would prefer their children start eating healthy earlier in life rather than later. To that end, I provide these concerned parents with some simple tips to help them get their children to eat vegetables. To save you a trip to the family doctor or nearest nutritionist, I am listing eight of those simple tips here for you, my new friends at Associated Content. Here are my eight simple tips to get your child to eat vegetables.

1. Always set a good example. If your child sees you eating vegetables, he or she will be much more likely to want to eat vegetables, too. In fact, make sure your spouse eats vegetables in front of your child as well. Older siblings, too.

2. Always plate the veggies. Present vegetables with your child’s meal, even if you doubt he or she will eat them. The more your child sees vegetables on the plate, the more likely he or she will get used to them, or at least want to try them.

3. Encourage your child to eat vegetables, and provide positive reinforcement. If your child finishes the vegetables on the plate, treat your child to a favorite dessert or even a small toy.

4. Make a game out of eating vegetables. “Let’s find the best-tasting veggies by sampling them!”

5. Use a system such as a star calendar that rewards your child with a star when the child eats all the vegetables on the plate. When your child reaches a certain number of stars at the end of the month, reward him or her with something fun, like a night at the movies or a dinner at his or her favorite restaurant.

6. Allow your child to help prepare the vegetables. For instance, have your child wash the lettuce or scoop the peas. Take your child to the supermarket and let the child choose which vegetables the family will eat on a given night.

7. Cut the vegetables into fun shapes. It takes a little work, but a vegetable shaped like a star is a lot more fun for your child to eat than a vegetable shaped like a...vegetable.

8. Don’t give up. Your child’s taste buds are different from an adult’s, and eventually, your child will adjust and enjoy vegetables as much as you do. Have patience. Good eating habits are not learned overnight.

I hope you enjoyed reading my eight simple tips to get your child to eat vegetables!

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Adi Susanto said...

Thank visiting my blog. Happy weekend.

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